The Rukararwe women group
The Women Rukararwe women group was established in 1988. Women from remote Ugandan areas seldom have a lot of opportunities for leisure activities due to child care,
housework and the field work, on the other hand they have no possibility to use the small time they have because there are no activities for them to take part in.
Since the beginning Rukararwe offered a program of education for the women of Rukararwe and the surrounding areas,
this is what today's Rukararwe women group was formed from.
Nowadays the women group has a lot of projects - they produce bast-baskets, necklaces, earrings, cream, clothes, bags and lots of other things.
All these lovingly produced handmade crafts are exhibited and sold in the “Crafts Hut”. You don’t have to make a long journey for your souvenirs and small presents.
Buy them directly from the Crafts Hut and help the women of Rukararwe and surrounding.